vendredi 12 juin 2020

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FBA Black Edition shows you a new way of selling products that produces close to INEVITABLE income. It takes away essentially all the risk of selling on Amazon. Which means that whether you’re a newbie, or already have an Amazon FBA business and want to get it more profitable and scale it larger, then you are in the right place.  I have gotten more out of this FBA course than any other I have seen in many years. These guys have a totally different way of doing things that eliminates the typical frustrations, risks and headaches you may have faced.

When you get into the FBA Black Edition program, you have a wealth of knowledge at your fingertips as well as high-end software tools for managing and growing your business.

The site is intuitive and has great visual appeal, which makes it a smooth and simple resource to use.

They make it easy to find everything you need.

Expert Coaching from Successful Sellers (12+ years experience)

The systems, tools and assets have been tried and tested by Steven Clayton and Aidan Booth who have built multiple 7-figure businesses over the past 12+ years. Steven and Aidan have trained, coached, taught and communicated with 125,000+ people; which gives them the experience to help others move through any business obstacle. Regardless of your current circumstance as a new or existing business owner, a sole-trader, or a team of 50+, this can improve your business. No need to learn the hard way through mistakes, which can be time consuming, frustrating, expensive and damage your business; instead you can fast-track your way to a highly profitable business.

Just some of the MANY benefits you will have access to are:

100 Step-By-Step Videos to Start and Scale Your Amazon FBA Business (in a unique way that eliminates common problems)

Over 100 videos (with accompanying written manuals) showing you how to create long-lasting sellable assets, achieve higher sales multiples, add thousands if not millions of sales to existing product brands and copy proven formulas to grow your business fast.

It's applicable for both brand new sellers and long time veterans. This can be used no matter where you are in the world. And to scale up to hundreds or even thousands of dollars per day with your FBA business (even if you have no previous experience).


The 3-Step Amazon Success Blueprint

They have broken things down into a simple 3-step formula that is very effective. In a nutshell, a quick overview of the 3 steps is Market Research (not nearly as complicated as it might sound.. essentially you choose an overall niche and find one hot-selling product to start with), setting up your sales channels (you only need to start with one but you find out how to leverage the 3 different sales channels that they do for maximum profits) and generate traffic and sales.

Amazon has huge amounts of "buyer traffic" for you to tap into so this step is easy.. it is just about setting things up properly so that you siphon that traffic onto your listing.


"Hybrid" Private Label Approach


What you find out here is a completely different way of launching new products on Amazon. Whether you’ve launched products before or it’s your first time, you are likely aware and perhaps even uncomfortable with the risk of shooting in the dark to buy loads of inventory upfront and see if your hypothesis on a new product idea will work and be a hot-seller.

With their method of doing things, you virtually eliminate all that risk and you get to find out whether your product will be a hit before ever making huge inventory orders. As you can see, this is quite unique and gives you an advantage not available in any other training.


Proprietary Optimization Processes


If you need to rescue dead and struggling listings, and accelerate them from a small trickle of sales to hundreds of daily sales (in 30 days or less) then you will want to pay attention to this. If you have ever launched a product that never gained momentum, you will want to use this asap.


Unknown Organic Ranking Strategies


Here they show you how to get back to the 'good old days' to quickly rank for your most profitable keywords in Amazon’s search results. They use different methods that you can feel confident in because they work. You can simply copy what they are doing which consistently works each time.

You’re Fully Supported - Private Help-Desk & Forum

No matter how A-Z and simple to follow a training is, it’s a game changer when you have a strong support system. What you get here is a team of 7-figure earners right by your side the entire time. Since they've helped tens of thousands of students build successful online businesses, they are able to solve basically any problem you have. This by itself pretty much makes the investment to join an easy one. You can ask questions and get help via both a private help desk and private Facebook group comprised of students and trainers only.

Other Information

FBA Black Edition eliminates the intense frustration and drawbacks you might have experienced before. If you’re a newbie who is looking for a proven way to generate a significant income each month while working from the comfort of home, then this is a great resource to look into. They give you a step-by-step A-Z plan for getting to your first $100k in cash as fast as possible.

If you’re selling physical products on Amazon already, then they show you how to increase your sales and profits quickly - within 30 days or less. Many of their students have gone from 4-figures a month to 5-figures, and even 6-figures per month. What I’ve found from following their processes is that sometimes all it takes is a few simple tweaks to lead to massive results.

Excellent Value For Your Investment

FBA Black Edition is an excellent value, especially considering the low investment. What you have here is a resource where you get to copy the exact methods, blueprints, checklists and strategies that are powering multiple 7-figure businesses. It’s rare to find something this valuable at such an affordable investment. They up the ante by giving you access to a membership site that others pay $1164 each year for. This membership is jam-packed with tens of thousands of dollars of powerful business building strategies - as well as software tools that likely replace many subscriptions you have now (eliminates the need to pay for other tools). This is an investment that pays for itself many times over. 

In summary this is a resource I happily recommend to friends and colleagues, as well as profit from in my own business. It can benefit any entrepreneur at any stage of their journey of selling private label products on Amazon. Friends I’ve recommended it to are using it at varying stages of their own businesses and excitedly sharing their results with me.

As part of being an entrepreneur we are always making decisions about where to spend our limited time, which is why I love that they keep things actionable. You can jump in and execute on everything you find in there. With the confidence that it’s what they’re using and getting results from. No need to think about it. I can just copy what they do. The digital access format makes it possible to go through no matter where I am since I can log in on any device and make use of the info, as many times as I need to and at any time of day.

Going at it alone in this kind of business can be a tough journey, so having a team of 7-figure sellers on your side makes a significant difference in many ways. To finalize this, I give it my full recommendation for anyone who wants to build a large, thriving Amazon FBA business. It is unique from any other Amazon training I’ve seen before, and backed by the consistent results of multiple 7-figure students and their successful students results as well.


mardi 14 janvier 2020



En effet, tel qu’annoncé lors du grand rassemblement du 04 janvier 2020, le Président Ousmane SONKO poursuit sa tournée à travers le pays pour aller à la rencontre de toutes les composantes de la population, afin de s’enquérir de leurs préoccupations et de leur démontrer en quoi le projet Pastef y répond, entre autres avantages ainsi que sa valeur ajoutée pour les Sénégalais de tout bord." Et voilà qu’on tenta ridiculement de saborder sa tournée", souligne le document.
Pour commencer, le samedi 11 janvier, Pastef n’a pu tenir sa conférence publique, car la même place, pour laquelle une autorisation de manifester avait été dûment obtenue, a été occupée dès 16h00 pour une manifestation. Les deux ne pouvant se tenir concomitamment, les responsables ont eu la sagesse de décider de reporter cette conférence au dimanche après-midi.
Cependant, pour parer à ce type d’éventualité, les organisateurs ont eu la présence d’esprit d’annoncer l'hôtel ROGNAT, au lieu du Cercle Mess des Officiers, salle qui a été démarchée, payée et mise à notre disposition par l'honorable député, notre frère Cheikh Bamba DIEYE.
Selon la note, l'effet de diversion a plutôt, réussi parce que le Président Ousmane SONKO a pu animer tranquillement la conférence dans une salle archicomble et communiquer sur des problématiques porteuses d’enjeux pour la population locale, à savoir la brèche et ses dégâts, l'érosion côtière, la pêche, l'exploitation gazière, entre autres.
Toutefois, au moment où il s’apprêtait à répondre aux questions du public, qui a suivi sa présentation avec beaucoup de passion et souhaitait débattre plus profondément de ces questions d’importance pour leur communauté, débarque un lieutenant de l'armée, déclarant agir sous les ordres du colonel, et qui somme l’assistance d’arrêter immédiatement, sinon, faute de quoi, il couperait l'électricité.
Toujours dans une logique d’éviter toute confrontation, le Président Ousmane Sonko demande aux organisateurs d’obtempérer et de mettre fin à la conférence pour quitter la salle, explique le communiqué.
Une fois dehors, la presse sollicite le Président Ousmane Sonko pour une interview de quelques minutes. Ce qu’il accepta avec plaisir et commença à répondre à leurs questions, debout sur le sur le trottoir de la berge du fleuve.
Mais c’était compter sans la détermination du camp d’en face ! À peine la version française de l'interview terminée, alors que le Président Sonko s’apprêtait à reprendre ses propos en wolof, c'est madame le commissaire en personne qui débarque cette fois, à la tête de la police, pour exiger l'arrêt immédiat des questions.
Mais cette fois, le Président Ousmane Sonko lui opposa un refus catégorique de céder à cette pression inexorable et poursuivit ses explications pour le public wolof. À croire que certains ne reculeront devant rien pour empêcher la population sénégalaise entendre le message d'éveil des consciences que véhicule le Président Ousmane Sonko depuis 6 ans, et qui commence à faire son effet.
Quitte à empêcher la presse de jouer son rôle démocratique, en tant qu’institution non gouvernementale devant jouir de la liberté de découvrir et faire circuler des informations, diffuser et confronter les opinions, et ainsi contribuer à l’éclosion du débat public nécessaire à la formation des volontés individuelles des citoyens.
Mais c’est compter sans l’opiniâtreté des patriotes ! Pastef-Les Patriotes, à travers son Président et ses membres, continuera à sillonner le pays à la rencontre des Sénégalais et à fréquenter les plateaux pour délivrer son message et mettre à nu l’incompétence, l’incurie et la gabegie.

jeudi 2 janvier 2020